Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thursday, yes, I'm still being honest

As I mentioned, for a little while anyway I'm dropping this blog to "when I have something to say" -- but I'm still going to bore you with my Thursday honesty:

Current project list/status (SCA/Historic):
  • C&L expert panel piece; Couched cord. Design and project have been determined.  I expect to get the design transferred to fabric, possibly as soon as this weekend.  This will be a fairly small piece, making it good for a travel piece.
  • C&L expert panel piece; Underside couching.  Another small piece is planned for this.  I can't say much, because it is going to be a gift.  I'll keep careful notes and do a nice long process blog when it's been given. 
  • C&L expert panel piece;  Marshall Hanging.  I got to work on this over the weekend at an event.  I expect it to have a dedicated work space by the end of this weekend. 
  • C&L expert panel piece; Icelandic altar frontal based piece.  Well, it has a name :)
  • Class this is (mostly) done, for now. The embroidery of the sample is done just have to do the making up. 
Sleeping projects (SCA/Historic): Being honest, I don't expect much to be done with these until after September, though maybe the event cushions will get pushed out.
  • Hem stitched square -- This has kind of gone into hibernation in my event basket, to come out when I have just that couple of minutes to do something.
  • That silk tunic I did for my husband -- still need to pull that out and get the seam finishing done, and maybe plan some more embroidery for it. 
  • Other garb waiting in the wings... Also in planning are a couple more coifs -- and shifts and shirts.  
  • Research.  I've started trolling for inspirational ideas.  My Pinterest boards are overflowing with "oh, that looks cool...."
  • Event cushions.  Got that lovely red fabric, just need to make the cushions.  There's enough to make "quick" envelope style cushions AND have enough for better box cushions down  the road.... maybe. 

Current project list/status (Modern)
  • Bay of Fundy Scarf.  Done -- Just have to block it and then photos will be posted.  Why, yes, it still needs to be blocked.  Maybe this upcoming long weekend. 
  • Northern Lights Cowl --  I've been enjoying this one, though in the interest of getting some embroidery done it may need to be relegated to "pick it up occasionally, but only as a reward for getting some other stuff done."  Also, waiting rooms and such.
  • Clothing for work.  Can we just take it as read that I need to do this and don't know when it's going to happen?
  • Studio project. A number of things have migrated back to the studio (where, admittedly, they belong), and a few things in the studio need to come out.  I need to determine a day each month for specifically concentrating on getting everything back to where it belongs, which should help keep this room organized. This has not been happening and it really shows in many ways.
  • Future project plans: (look, a new section) AKA "In the queue"
  • Knitting plans include  fingerless gloves with more of the alpaca that I'm using on the Bay of Fundy scarf.  I also got some lovely blue silk/wool blend that I'll need to find "just the right pattern" for, not to mention a stash that does not fit in the cedar chest which is supposed to be the limiting factor on yarns... 
Blog notes:
  • There will be the Thursday status updates, and otherwise some occasional posts updating progress. 
  • I have started my resources page (so far it has ONE thing on it).  I hope to add one or two things a week. That page will be web resources.  A Bibliography page will have to wait until after September I think, it will be a massive undertaking. 
So, that's it for my plans for the coming weeks.  

Monday, June 20, 2016


I have come to the conclusion that I need to pull back a little on this blog.  I will continue to blog, but it will be more on a "when I have something to say" basis.  I will post on Facebook and Google+ as public posts when there is a new entry -- or you can "subscribe" by email to the right there.  I will continue my weekly Thursday "keep Kandy honest" posts.

This may result in more posts, it may result in less, my hope is that it will result in meatier posts, not so many "oh, here's a cool thing, I'll say more later" posts.

I'll also be working on updating the DONE pages and the Resources pages.

This will also mean more embroidery time.

And, who knows, maybe I'll be back to a regular schedule after September.

Meanwhile, here's what I was doing this weekend:

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Another Thursday, not much different

I promised I would try to be honest and post each Thursday even when there is nothing much to say, so yes, this is pretty much a cut and paste from last week.  

Current project list/status (SCA/Historic):
  • C&L expert panel pieces -- I'm working on finalizing my list and the designs for the individual pieces.  Once determined, each will have an entry here. I now know why I haven't settled on the couching around applique piece -- I was waiting for an exciting thing to show up.  Also, I think I've nailed down the design for the couched cord piece.  
  • Class this is (mostly) done, for now. The embroidery of the sample is done just have to do the making up. 
  • Marshall Hanging -- Progress!  I got some work on this.  Soon it will have its own work space in my house for much more work.
  • Hem stitched square -- This has kind of gone into hibernation in my event basket, to come out when I have just that couple of minutes to do something.
  • That silk tunic I did for my husband -- still need to pull that out and get the seam finishing done, and maybe plan some more embroidery for it. 
  • Other garb waiting in the wings... Also in planning are a couple more coifs -- and shifts and shirts.  
  • Research.  I've started trolling for inspirational ideas.  My Pinterest boards are overflowing with "oh, that looks cool...."
  • Event cushions.  Got that lovely red fabric, just need to make the cushions.  There's enough to make "quick" envelope style cushions AND have enough for better box cushions down  the road.... maybe. 

Current project list/status (Modern)
  • Bay of Fundy Scarf.  Done -- Just have to block it and then photos will be posted.  Why, yes, it still needs to be blocked.  Maybe this upcoming long weekend. 
  • Northern Lights Cowl --  I've been enjoying this one, though in the interest of getting some embroidery done it may need to be relegated to "pick it up occasionally, but only as a reward for getting some other stuff done."  Also, waiting rooms and such.
  • Clothing for work.  Can we just take it as read that I need to do this and don't know when it's going to happen?
  • Studio project. A number of things have migrated back to the studio (where, admittedly, they belong), and a few things in the studio need to come out.  I need to determine a day each month for specifically concentrating on getting everything back to where it belongs, which should help keep this room organized. This has not been happening and it really shows in many ways.
  • Future project plans: (look, a new section) AKA "In the queue"
  • Knitting plans include  fingerless gloves with more of the alpaca that I'm using on the Bay of Fundy scarf.  I also got some lovely blue silk/wool blend that I'll need to find "just the right pattern" for, not to mention a stash that does not fit in the cedar chest which is supposed to be the limiting factor on yarns... 
Blog notes:
  • Still working on a three day a week pattern -- Monday for SCA/Medieval/Renaissance related; Tuesday for post 1600 to modern related and Thursdays for status updates.
  • I have started my resources page (so far it has ONE thing on it).  I hope to add one or two things a week. That page will be web resources.  A Bibliography page will have to wait until after September I think, it will be a massive undertaking. 
So, that's it for my plans for the coming weeks.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A quick project

This past Saturday a friend was elevated to the Order of the Laurel (for those not in the SCA, this is our highest award for Arts & Sciences -- a very big deal).  Many people pulled together to prepare clothing, food for those visiting her prior to the ceremony, and regalia.  Clothing was also prepared for her husband to wear for this fancy event.  Mid week a call went out seeking "points" for his clothing.

Points are cords or ties used to hold clothing together. A gentleman's hose or pants are held to his doublet with points, for instance.  Sleeves may be tied onto gowns with points.  The ends are finished with aglets.  Those of you who love words may recognize this as the word for the metal or plastic tube tightly fixed around each end of a shoelace.

And that's basically what points are -- laces, in fact, in some listings they are referred to as laces. 

I knew I had a little time available and stepped up to make three long black points.  These are made with Splendor silk and silver color aglets:

I used pattern 4 "This Flat String" from The Compleat Anachronist #108 (also available on line at  It makes a lovely braid that bears a very strong resemblance to modern flat shoelaces. 

Here, all three braids that I made are shown, one coiled around.  Including the aglets, they were 18-20 inches long.  Each was made with five loops (or "bowes") of 4 strands each.  This made it easy to prepare the thread as Splendor is in a divisible thread of 12 strands, made up of three groups of 4 strands each.  After cutting to length, it was easy to separate out to the number of lengths needed.

 A nice flat braid.
 Thin when looked at from the side.
Comparison of flat and on its side.  

I enjoyed the quick project of making these points, and I think our kitten enjoyed it a lot as well. 

I have a "future project" in mind to make more fingerloop braids, following the patterns listed in this booklet and in another book "Tak V Bowes."  Though there are a number of patterns, some of them are differentiated only by the way the colors are set up, the "formula" is the same.  I want to explore the differences that are made by changing the colors (they don't have to be all one color) -- using multiple colors, and changing which fingers the colors start on. 

And now, back to Couching and Laid work embroidery and research!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thursday -- that means it's almost the weekend.

Time for honesty...

Current project list/status (SCA/Historic):
  • C&L expert panel pieces -- I'm working on finalizing my list and the designs for the individual pieces.  Once determined, each will have an entry here. I now know why I haven't settled on the couching around applique piece -- I was waiting for an exciting thing to show up.  More later.  
  • Class this is (mostly) done, for now. The embroidery of the sample is done just have to do the making up. 
  • Marshall Hanging -- Progress!  I got some work on this.  Soon it will have its own work space in my house for much more work.
  • Hem stitched square -- This has kind of gone into hibernation in my event basket, to come out when I have just that couple of minutes to do something.
  • That silk tunic I did for my husband -- still need to pull that out and get the seam finishing done, and maybe plan some more embroidery for it. 
  • Other garb waiting in the wings... Also in planning are a couple more coifs -- and shifts and shirts.  
  • Research.  I've started trolling for inspirational ideas.  My Pinterest boards are overflowing with "oh, that looks cool...."
  • Event cushions.  Got that lovely red fabric, just need to make the cushions.  There's enough to make "quick" envelope style cushions AND have enough for better box cushions down  the road.... maybe. 

Current project list/status (Modern)
  • Bay of Fundy Scarf.  Done -- Just have to block it and then photos will be posted.  Why, yes, it still needs to be blocked.  Maybe this upcoming long weekend. 
  • Northern Lights Cowl --  I've been enjoying this one, though in the interest of getting some embroidery done it may need to be relegated to "pick it up occasionally, but only as a reward for getting some other stuff done."  Also, waiting rooms and such.
  • Clothing for work.  Can we just take it as read that I need to do this and don't know when it's going to happen?
  • Studio project. A number of things have migrated back to the studio (where, admittedly, they belong), and a few things in the studio need to come out.  I need to determine a day each month for specifically concentrating on getting everything back to where it belongs, which should help keep this room organized. This did not happen in January, or February, or March... Help me April, you're my only hope!
Future project plans: (look, a new section) AKA "In the queue"
  • Knitting plans include  fingerless gloves with more of the alpaca that I'm using on the Bay of Fundy scarf.  I also got some lovely blue silk/wool blend that I'll need to find "just the right pattern" for, not to mention a stash that does not fit in the cedar chest which is supposed to be the limiting factor on yarns... 
Blog notes:
  • Still working on a three day a week pattern -- Monday for SCA/Medieval/Renaissance related; Tuesday for post 1600 to modern related and Thursdays for status updates.
  • I have started my resources page (so far it has ONE thing on it).  I hope to add one or two things a week. That page will be web resources.  A Bibliography page will have to wait until after September I think, it will be a massive undertaking. 
So, that's it for my plans for the coming weeks.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Tool talk -- light pad.

There are many ways to transfer an embroidery pattern to the ground fabric (when that is being done, as opposed to following a chart).  Not one way works for all patterns and fabrics, but one of my favorites is the use of a light box.  I've had a large one that I haul around for some time.  It's big and clumsy, but gets the job done. 

But, with the advent of LED lights, came the light pad.  I found one on Amazon for less than $50, and hemmed and hawed about buying it (after all, I had a perfectly usable light box).  My husband gave it to me for Christmas.  It is this one .  It is so delightfully light weight, and the diffused light is just perfect for transferring designs.  

The pad comes with a lovely carry tote, which is roomy enough to include a roll of painter's tape (less chance of residue on the surface), paper and a few supplies.  It comes with a few sheets of a parchment-like tracing paper.  I haven't used that yet, but I look forward to playing with it. 

Inside the carry tote, I keep my pad in the foam bag that it came with and keep the foam corner protectors on it... just for a little added security. This is so much easier to take with me when going to an arts day, or off to teach someone. 

The light pad has a lovely clear surface, and even a grid on two sides.  In this shot, you can see reflection of my hands holding the phone/camera and a painting on the wall behind me. 

The power button also adjusts the brightness.  My old one has a rocker switch which is, in some ways, more convenient, but there is no delay when turning this one on, so the difference is negligible. More expensive pads might have a separate switch for selecting brightness.

It's very very slim -- barely thicker than the slot for the power cord.  It runs on USB. There was not an adapter, but those are easy enough to get just about anywhere.  It does not have a battery (it can't be "charged up") -- again, look to the more expensive models for that. The cord is flat, and quite long.

I'll be sure to take some "process" shots using this light pad to show it in use. 

My old light box has a larger working surface, and will not be discarded, but it will be kept tucked away in the closet in my studio -- it will be good to have two for classes and A&S gatherings -- but it will be my lovely light weight light pad that will be pulled out most of the times that it is time to do design transfer. 

Oh, and yes, it's a very modern process -- but it is also an echo of an old one.  There are wood cuts showing design transfer being done at a window, and even over a light candle.  This modern marvel is much safer than the candle, and an easier angle than the window.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Stay tuned

No Tuesday night post this week, for a number of factors.... mostly having to do with everyone in two office complexes apparently leaving *at the same time* -- then a snafu at my CSA pick up,  Oh, right, and my lack of having gotten ahead like I've been meaning to :)

Monday, June 6, 2016

Marshall Hanging Update

Saturday I was at an event and took my Bayeux Tapestry inspired piece -- the one I call the "Marshall Hanging"

I got some more done on the figure representing my husband.  That figure, especially the top of it, is proving to be the hardest to do.  Not for any problem with the design, but for the location. It is *just* in the middle of the frame -- and *just* far enough from all edges to make it difficult to reach. I can work on only a little of it at a time.
Photo by Lissa Underhill
Having done a little of that work, I moved to the second cat figure.  Since I am often asked, I tracked the time it took to do the outline.  This outline took one hour and twenty seven minutes.  Now, I was chatting often while working on it, working at home with less distractions will go faster.

I very much enjoyed the day, sharing my work, learning about that of others, and spending time in the "modern middle ages."  Now it is time to get my planned downstairs work space set up so I can really motor through the rest of this piece.

This week I'll be working on embroidery, working on research, and preparing materials for teaching embroidery at a demo this coming Sunday.  On to 'all the thread, all the time.'

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Oh, wait... Thursday.

Silly holidays -- I've been off calendar all week.  Of course, that doesn't explain why most of today I had to keep reminding myself it isn't Friday...

Current project list/status (SCA/Historic):
  • C&L expert panel pieces -- I'm working on finalizing my list and the designs for the individual pieces.  Once determined, each will have an entry here. 
  • Class this is (mostly) done, for now. The embroidery of the sample is done (as reported on Monday), just have to do the making up. 
  • Marshall Hanging -- This is going with me for Saturday's event, and I'm hoping to have enough done to do a post.
  • Hem stitched square -- This has kind of gone into hibernation in my event basket, to come out when I have just that couple of minutes to do something.
  • That silk tunic I did for my husband -- still need to pull that out and get the seam finishing done, and maybe plan some more embroidery for it. 
  • Other garb waiting in the wings... Also in planning are a couple more coifs -- and shifts and shirts.  
  • Research.  I've started trolling for inspirational ideas.  My Pinterest boards are overflowing with "oh, that looks cool...."
  • Event cushions.  Got that lovely red fabric, just need to make the cushions.  There's enough to make "quick" envelope style cushions AND have enough for better box cushions down  the road.... maybe. 

Current project list/status (Modern)
  • Bay of Fundy Scarf.  Done -- Just have to block it and then photos will be posted.  Why, yes, it still needs to be blocked.  Maybe this upcoming long weekend. 
  • Northern Lights Cowl --  I've been enjoying this one, though in the interest of getting some embroidery done it may need to be relegated to "pick it up occasionally, but only as a reward for getting some other stuff done."  Also, waiting rooms and such.
  • Clothing for work.  This may have to be moved up a bit, as one of my favorite skirts just gave its last.  Now I really need to find pink fabric I like because I cannot imagine not having something in that dark rich pink in my wardrobe.  Of course, I *could* get around to doing the hem on the black and white, that would help.  Update -- got that pink fabric.... now to make it up. 
  • Studio project. A number of things have migrated back to the studio (where, admittedly, they belong), and a few things in the studio need to come out.  I need to determine a day each month for specifically concentrating on getting everything back to where it belongs, which should help keep this room organized. This did not happen in January, or February, or March... Help me April, you're my only hope!
Future project plans: (look, a new section) AKA "In the queue"
  • Knitting plans include  fingerless gloves with more of the alpaca that I'm using on the Bay of Fundy scarf.  I also got some lovely blue silk/wool blend that I'll need to find "just the right pattern" for, not to mention a stash that does not fit in the cedar chest which is supposed to be the limiting factor on yarns... 
Blog notes:
  • Still working on a three day a week pattern -- Monday for SCA/Medieval/Renaissance related; Tuesday for post 1600 to modern related and Thursdays for status updates.
  • I have started my resources page (so far it has ONE thing on it).  I hope to add one or two things a week. That page will be web resources.  A Bibliography page will have to wait until after September I think, it will be a massive undertaking. 
So, that's it for my plans for the coming weeks.