So, here's this week's status of projects in progress and "on deck":
Current project list/status (SCA/Historic):
- Motifs for coronation cloaks (different coronation) -- The two that are done were blogged about here. I've started the outlining for the next one. There was some more stitching on this, but I really need to knuckle under and get these onto the DONE page.
- Marshall Hanging -- the very large Bayeux inspired piece that I've been working on (on and off) for just about forever. Deadline,
Junesome time summer 2016. Nothing since the beach weekend, but I'm expecting it to see some needle time in the next week or so.
- Hem stitched square -- Now 3 sides are done and the fourth one started. Currently my travel piece. With no deadline, and just for me just for fun, I'm ok with slow progress on this one.
- Additional couching & laid work pieces. The June 2016 deadline is for a very special presentation to the East Kingdom embroidery guild, Keepers of Athena's Thimble. In addition to the master work of the Marshall Hanging, I need supporting pieces in other forms of laid and couched work. This is what the timeline work has been about. More later.
- Garb. I have this lovely black silk for a tunic for my husband -- one which will have plenty of stitching on it. Also in planning are a couple more coifs -- and shifts and shirts. Hope to have something ready for us both for an event in December.
Current project list/status (Modern):
- Knitted vest for Joe. This is done and was worn at Rhinebeck and was blogged on Tuesday. Moved to the DONE (Modern) page.
- Skirts for work. One skirt that had been languishing in my studio has had some work done, and now just needs a hem. I also have some lovely blue and white fabric waiting to be the next skirt. Yes, you're right, no change here.
- Bay of Fundy Scarf. Proceeding well. This is excellent travel work -- it fits nicely in a project bag and is easy to pull out during lunch.
- Gift knitting. I don't take on a lot of knitting for gifts, especially with my usual policy of only having one knitting project in progress at a time, but I found some lovely yarn at Rhinebeck for a scarf for a friend for an EOYHOYC* gift so that will enter rotation. I've spent some time on Ravelry and I think I know which pattern I'm going to use -- so this weekend I'll wind the hank and do some swatching.
- Knitted Salto fingerless gloves from Craftsy kit using Manos del Uruguay Silk Blend. This was also finished and worn at Rhinebeck.The rest of the extra skein will go to a preemie hat for donation
- Studio project. Yes, the studio is in good shape, but I do still have that wall of desk and closets to finish organizing. I want to sort/organize and inventory embroidery threads, clean out the other crafts materials, get the knitting tools organized and my new computer set up on the desk.
Blog notes:
- Still working on a three day a week pattern -- Monday for SCA/Medieval/Renaissance related; Tuesday for post 1600 to modern related and Thursdays for status updates.
- I've begun building the "DONE" pages, and moved links around a bit. The "main categories" are to the right now -- that's the main labels. Click on one and see all the posts with that label. Down below are *all* the labels I've used.
- I'm also considering a couple other pages -- one for links to museums and other excellent web resources, and one for a bibliography (with appropriate links).
So, that's it for my plans for the coming weeks. Now back to my lovely yellow alpaca.
*EOYHOYC - End of Year Holiday of Your Choice -- a designation that started out kind of tongue in cheek but has come, for me, to express that I don't care what you call it, the end of the modern calendar year is an excellent time to spend time with family -- both blood and chosen -- and that's what the end of the year holidays are all about.