Monday, April 25, 2016


There is no post tonight, as I was preparing for tomorrow's Primary (for those who don't know, I am the Judge of Elections for my local voting precinct here in Pennsylvania).  There won't be one tomorrow either.

I make almost no political posts here, on Facebook, Google Plus, anywhere.  But, twice a year I do a similar rant.  Here is this year's version.

Ok, guys, here it is... my semi-annual rant. Tomorrow is primary day in Pennsylvania. If you are eligible and registered to vote VOTE. No matter what your background, people fought and died so that you can vote. There are also a number of people spending a very long day so you can vote (saying thanks to your local board of elections would be cool). In Pennsylvania there is ONE question, meaning everyone can go vote. In Montgomery County there is an "I choose not to vote" button --- so you can go and sign in and actually not vote if that is what you choose (I'll bet other counties have something similar).
But most important, it is your right AND your responsibility. It is one of two times a year *you* are part of the process. Whether you feel that your say is heard or not, this is the time you get to record it -- and it *will NOT make a difference if you don't say it* The "other side" might still win, but if everyone who thinks "I'm for Side A but Side B is going to win anyway, so why vote" were to go out and vote... MAYBE Side A would win.
(My wall, my rules, no negative comments, thank you.)

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